Flacon 1L - F.01 with 28 mm neck diameter

Destinaţie:Packaging for transportation and storage of hazardous substances, food & beverages, industrial chemicals (automotive, household and construction chemicals, oils, etc.)
Dimensiune (l):1,0
Culoare:White, Natural, other colors on request
Gât (mm):Ø 21,5
Capac (mm):DIN 28
Etanșare prin inducție:-
Inel de control:+
Bandă lookout:+/-
Înălțime (mm):245,0
Lungime (mm):89,0
Lăţime (mm):67,0
Autocolante la dimensiunea:(185,0 and 163,0)*62,0
Certificare UN:On request
1 liter bottles F01 with 28 mm neck diameter are produced of the high-quality HDPE polyethylene.

Plastic bottles are rarely use for the bottling of construction chemicals, cleansing and disinfecting agents, engine oil, pharmaceutical products, fertilizers, etc.

For convenience of loading and unloading works, are installed on the trays and tightened with the stretch film.

The plastic bottles may be delivered throughout Ukraine, Europe which is conducted by the qualified transportation companies. The bottles customer pick-up is possible from Vasishchevo, Kharkov region, Ukraine.

For more details call our managers or leave the application through the contact form.